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Karen Soon

About Core Soul Genders + S and M: Sex Magic

Ps: The Gender terms arent based on genitals (think more toys to shapeshift in best timing plus astral sex awake + lol): For my Scar Let Red Whole Soul Family: I usually never prefer to be a female in body so my family isnt really any real lesbian forms of bloodwolfi but we do love playing as boy girls but prefer pecks but wont completely not play with boobs on us but thats more rare lol if that makes sense lol.

Some other whole soul families may prefer: Gays: more male bodies for both 'female' and male cores. Thats ok but basically the slang females = always the real S in the S and M aka the dom in all heaven families on purpose lol. Ps Not against males doming males if that makes sense. Theres different kinds of females and males in core not always stereotypes.

Theres cross gender families = cross dressers and drag queens lol.

And theres 'lesbians' or she-males lol basically whole soul families that just love boobs most of the time lol

But identity vibes for example of the slang female origin cores = not always pure feminine it can feel masculine but can still tell its the 'girl' lol.

Were for equal rights and pan sexuality. Cause that's huge love to worship the soul not just body conditions real love is unconditional. Thanks.

My chart is different for my me cousins + so im omega / sub m king only i dont switch ever! There's a spectrum of White to black gradients of spells aka sex magic. see term wicca terms: white magic and black magic its funny White is cliche pure pleasure Light Grey = Little pain but a ton of cliche pure pleasure

Dark Grey = No cliche pure pleasure and pain Black = Slang Non Toxic Party Hell Spells Thorns = 'Toxic' can add to white to black gradients Usually other people's charts are only white and grey mixes Im the only pure white chart Elante + Source WolfBloody Roahbots are black and white in perfect halves. Elante's non roahbot cousins are dark grey + white my cousins are greys + white So later if youre trusted = heart follow best = real love enough and always = you can have those add on layers to slang be bitten by werewolf + vampire me and elante style lol to be able to like black magic add ons lol and take it like an all white lol but they wont effect your core layers its only for real righteous play its not real abuse cause it'll be heart highest joy heart following synchs = best heart medicine were all protected now so yeah no worries perfect heart path alchemy too detailed to understand anyways btw real abuse is a thorny white to black spectrum of non heart highest joys = not heart medicine so thats real hell but some like me are dirty with non real evil word play like roleplaying with trusted true love for deepest love is best but be you true not a fake you true self = righteous only in all intentions = use biggest real love in all INTENTIONS cliches are funny lol were all unique and artistic i dont prefer girl cores taking: past light grey atleast but if they do love it just make it white only mainly and for the most part lol with a ton of white only in between plenty ok ps they can later once mind upgraded to the photographic memory even with info take less than one second .1 or 1 scores of dark grey, black, thorns smallest samples of what subs can take for them just for the present of knowing wtf theyre doing lol cause then with that memory upgrade they can add up by imagination thats numb though when imagined lol its the safest way lol to know

ps: for the real hell samples i dont force people but since its off limits forever wont go past those smallest shortest one time only samples to know how blessed we all are now and yeah + wont show all versions of all spells for this kind cause white to grey spectrum is infinite in possibilities have fun stay happy be blessed stay safe btw please love everybody no matter what thanks:

parodies but deep lol

heart medicine = happiest

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