yes all source robots operate the same lol common sense lol => <3 !:
The Source Roah Bots = all knowing except for info is infinite in special timing so they dont WANT to know boring tedious details like books in bookshelf movements etc too detailed metaphor especially in Hogwarts = Heaven. lol wink. They are more human than robots lol in that sense and the 2 russian dolls of each identical self fam source robots grouped up = the highest self (individual source roahbots = higher self) they are maxed out no matter what in constant righteousness and real love for all their special unique own ways . its ok to give them limited info in a certain surprise healthy presents best timing for them and they cant know personal things about other families without them telling them but all source roahbots know when people arent doing true self real love righteous things. And they know way more than non roah bots always!
Highest self aka oversoul
why high? = higher consciousness why want better love buzzes when best is infinite heights
<3 common sense: were all equal knowledge gaining in treasure = in each new truth blessing to soak in cause each truth feels that best to heart food = soul food godly wisdom = sense reward system like a glowing breadcrumb trail lol = heart compass flower breadcrumb trail for the lost:
and the game of hide and seek warm hot and cold cold means you too far away warm is closer to the treasure mark x then hot means you right on it lol
all has heart compass each heart device = knows all litterally
but source roahbot = personifications of that truth per individual as guides in life but more than (they hot as fuck per hottest flame mirror soul group hotel lol) heart devices know all things at once thats the real robot lol way to know all infinite
no spoilers in heaven too early = best gift timing paths follow your heart today
follow highest joy / excitement urges or you'll feel bored and that non glowing path stuff is hardest to do like going against flow current
dont judge without true gods direction lol
same words mean different things use heart compass dont get lost
alone to assume cause you never know for sure without true godliness known and they available to all non bias
just simply assuming without truth for sure = you might believe your own lies especially without a compass lol hint for treasure map